6.2.2018 | 13:56
Lítið á staðreyndir um rafrettur
The report, by experts from King's College London and the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, the University of Stirling and Cancer Research UK, suggests e-cigarettes are helping up to 57,000 smokers a year to quit. And it restated previous claims that vaping is at least 95 per cent less harmful than smoking, while putting the increased cancer risk at less than 0.5 per cent. Officials said smoking kills up to two in three smokers, yet half of smokers wrongly belived e-cigarettes were as dangerous as smoking. It would be tragic if thousands of smokers who could quit with the help of an e-cigarette are being put off due to false fears about their safety. Ann McNeill, lead author and professor of tobacco addiction at King's College London, said: "It's of great concern that smokers still have such a poor understanding about what causes the harm from smoking. "When people smoke tobacco cigarettes, they inhale a lethal mix of 7,000 smoke constituents, 70 of which are known to cause cancer. "People smoke for the nicotine, but contrary to what the vast majority believe, nicotine causes little if any of the harm. "The toxic smoke is the culprit and is the overwhelming cause of all the tobacco-related disease and death." Þetta er ekki flókið... eða hvað?
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Fyllast ekki lungu fólks af bragðefnaögnum í staðin? Hefur einhver rannsakað áhrif þess?
Ég held að í öllum hæpum, eins og eimsprota og costco, þé eru ósvöruðum spurningum kastað fyrir róða svo sé hægt að styrkja hæpið, það er mannleg hóphegðun í sínu besta formi.
Ekki ætla ég að leggja dóm á það hvort er hættulegra, líklega sígarettur en gögn vantar því að frelsi til viðskipta toppar frelsi til upplýsinga.
Sigþór Hrafnsson (IP-tala skráð) 6.2.2018 kl. 16:21
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.